
You don’t have to do this alone. Together, these organizations provide practical solutions to regenerative grazing and forage issues. Whatever your need, there’s an expert available to help.

American Forage & Grassland Council

This group promotes the profitable production and sustainable utilization of quality forage and grasslands. Sign up for Progressive Forage.

American Farmland Trust

The Trust takes a holistic approach to farmland and ranchland, protecting it from development, promoting environmentally sound farming practices, and keeping farmers on it.


GrassWorks Inc. provides leadership and education to farmers and consumers for the advancement of managed grass-based agriculture to benefit present and future generations. GrassWorks offers training on cover crop grazing and pasture management.

Green Lands Blue Waters

The Mission of Green Lands Blue Waters is to support the development of and transition to a new generation of multi-functional agricultural systems in the Upper Mississippi River Basin and adjacent areas that integrate more perennial plants and other Continuous Living Cover into the agricultural landscape.

Illinois Forage and Grasslands Council

The mission of the Illinois Forage & Grassland Council is to provide the framework that unites industry, producers, educational and government institutions for the production, marketing and wise use of forages and grasslands.

Illinois Grazing Lands Coalition

Created in 1991, IL GLC promotes regenerative grazing in Illinois through regional farmer-led grazing groups. We facilitate pasture walks, grazing schools, and other educational opportunities for graziers in Illinois, as well as free on-farm consultations.

Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership

This diverse organization works collaboratively to encourage the adoption of sustainable and profitable production practices that improve soil health and restore local waters. It has several publications and other resources available.

The Land Institute

With science as its foundation, the Land Institute focuses on perennial grain crop solutions to environmental issues.

Midwest Cover Crops Council

The Council provides resources devoted to improving ecosystem quality through the use of cover crops that reduce erosion, improve soil quality, retain nutrients, add nitrogen, combat weeds, and break disease cycles.

Midwest Perennial Forage Working Group

The goal is to increase land that is used for pasture and perennial forage production, in turn, improving the environmental condition of farming systems while keeping your farm productive and profitable.

National Grazing Lands Coalition

Through science-based assistance, research, and education, NatGLC promotes ecologically and economically sound management for grazing operations that benefit society, landowners, and the environment.

The Nature Conservancy

The Conservancy’s two current projects include strategies for sustainable grazing lands and soil health.

Pasture Project at the Wallace Center

Pasture Project works to advance regenerative grazing in the Upper Midwest as a scalable, market-driven solution for building healthy soils, viable farms, and resilient communities.

Practical Farmers of Iowa

Practical Farmers of Iowa’s mission is equipping farmers to build resilient farms and communities. Practical Farmers of Iowa is an inclusive organization representing a diversity of farmers. Farmers in our network raise corn and soybeans, hay, livestock large and small, horticultural crops from fruits and vegetables to cut flowers and herbs, and more.

REGAIN: Regenerative Ag Idea Network

REGAIN advances regenerative agriculture in the Upper Midwest. It is a product of the Resilient Agriculture & Ecosystems initiative of the Wallace Center at Winrock International.

One Good Idea

One Good Idea is a clearinghouse where farmers can learn from other farmers about how to be successful and profitable with soil health and other stewardship practices.

Soil and Water Conservation Society

The SWCS engages in policy, projects, publications, partnerships, and professional development in its conservation education work.

Soil Health Institute

Believing soil health is the foundation for regenerative agriculture, the Institute advances the science of soil health.

Soil Health Nexus

Led by universities in the north central region, the group teaches soil health that’s backed by research.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)

SARE is farmer-driven, providing grants and educational programs throughout the country focused on sustainable agriculture.

Sustainable Farming Association

The Sustainable Farming Association envisions a vibrant Midwest where regenerative farms, rural communities, and the land thrive cooperatively, transforming agriculture one farm at a time.

Understanding Ag

Understanding Ag works with clients to create a regenerative solution that’s productive, profitable, and resilient for you and farms across the country.

Universities and Agencies

University of Illinois I-Regen

I-Regen conducts actionable research on sustainable agriculture and connecting the academic community with stakeholders to understand challenges and measure impact.

University of Missouri Center for Regenerative Agriculture

The Center for Regenerative Agriculture helps farmers implement new practices, as well as provides information to landowners, farm managers, consumers, and industry.

University of Minnesota Forever Green Initiative

The Forever Green Initiative is developing over 15 CLC crops for research and commercialization efforts. Its staff of agronomy and commercialization specialists can provide advice.

Iowa State University Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture

The Center works to develop profitable ways of farming that conserve natural resources and reduce negative environmental and social impacts.

Natural Resources Conservation Service

NRCS offices provide Information on soil health and conservation practices, including an teaching and educational tools. Based in Illinois counties, they offer conservation planning services.