
Together we build a legacy of respect for the land and for each other.

In 2024, USDA awarded $22 million in cooperative agreements for 29 projects in 36 states that expand access to conservation technical assistance for livestock producers and increase the use of conservation practices on grazing lands. The funding is provided through the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative.

The projects help identify and reduce barriers to grazing assistance for producers and will include outreach and support for reaching underserved producers. 

In Illinois, this work is supported by these valuable partners: Illinois Grazing Lands Coalition and its members, the Illinois Forage & Grassland Council and its members, and University of Illinois Extension.

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The mission of the Illinois Forage & Grassland Council is to provide the framework that unites industry, producers, educational and government institutions for the production, marketing and wise use of forages and grasslands.

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Created in 1991, IL GLC promotes regenerative grazing in Illinois through regional farmer-led grazing groups. We facilitate pasture walks, grazing schools, and other educational opportunities for graziers in Illinois, as well as free on-farm consultations.

Partner with us.
(317) 650-6161